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Because music should be part of our lives forever!

The Georgia Wind Symphony is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, classified as a public charity. As such, donations to GWS are considered tax-deductible contributions to the extent allowed under Federal tax guidelines.
Donor Support
Individual Patron Levels
Recognition in all GWS programs and special recognition of sponsorship at concerts.
Conductor’s Circle: $1,000 and above
Overture Level: $500-999
Aria Level: $250-499
Fanfare Level: $100-249
Corporate Patron Levels
Platinum $10,000 and above
Full sponsorship for one concert, full-page ad in each Concert Program
Gold $5000-9999
Full-page ad in each Concert Program
Silver $2500-4999
Half-page ad in each Concert Program
Bronze $1000-2499
Quarter-page ad in each Concert Program
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